Changelog Driven Versioning

Versioning is one of the many hard problems when it comes to writing software. There is no one correct way to do it, and all have various tradeoffs. After reading keep a changelog, I was inspired to implement this into a couple of CLI tools that I am working on at the moment: Flagon (feature flags on the CLI, for CI usage), and Cas (Content Addressable Storage for Make), but I also wanted to solve my versioning and release process....

November 22, 2022 · 3 min

QA and Continuous Delivery

When migrating to a continuous delivery process, it is often the case that a QA team are worried about what their role is going to be, and how the changes will affect the quality of the software in question. While doing continuous delivery does change the QA process, when done well, it improves everyone’s lives and makes the software better quality. Are silver bullets incoming? Not quite, but we don’t have to make someone’s life worse to improve other people’s lives....

November 10, 2022 · 9 min

Architecture Decision Records

This is a text version of a short talk (affectionately known as a “Coffee Bag”) I gave at work this week, on Architecture Design Records. You can see the slides here, but there isn’t a recording available, unfortunately. It should be noted; these are not to replace full architecture diagrams; you should definitely still write C4 Models to cover the overall architecture. ADRs are for the details, such as serializer formats, convention-over-configuration details, number precisions for timings, or which metrics library is used and why....

June 29, 2019 · 8 min

Branching and Red Builds

So this is a bit of a rant…but hopefully with some solutions and workarounds too. So let’s kick things off with a nice statement: I hate broken builds. So everyone basically agrees on this point I think. The problem is that I mean all builds, including ones on shared feature branches. Currently, I work on a number of projects which uses small(ish) feature branches. The way this works is that the team agrees on a new feature to work on creates a branch, and then each developer works on tasks, committing on their own branches, and Pull-Requesting to the feature branch....

August 10, 2018 · 3 min

Tweaking Processes to Remove Errors

When we are developing (internal) Nuget packages at work, the process used is the following: Get latest of master New branch feature-SomethingDescriptive Implement feature Push to GitHub TeamCity builds Publish package to the nuget feed Pull request Merge to master Obviously 3 to 6 can repeat many times if something doesn’t work out quite right. There are a number of problems with this process: Pull-request after publishing Pull requests are a great tool which we use extensively, but in this case, they are being done too late....

December 9, 2017 · 3 min

Evolutionary Development

Having recently finished reading the Building Evolutionary Architectures: Support Constant Change book, I got to thinking about a system which was fairly representative of an architecture which was fine for it’s initial version, but it’s usage had outgrown the architecture. Example System: Document Storage The system in question was a file store for a multi user, internal, desktop based CRM system. The number of users was very small, and the first implementation was just a network file share....

November 17, 2017 · 4 min