Don't Let The Database Dictate Your Design

I have been thinking recently about how the database can influence our design decisions, and perhaps makes them harder than they need to be in some cases. An example of this is the design of a system which stores data about people, specifically for this, their email addresses. A cut down version of the structure is this: table people id serial primary key firstname varchar(50) lastname varchar(50) table emails id serial primary key person_id int => people....

April 1, 2015 · 5 min

The problems with and solutions to Repositories

Repositories are a design pattern which I have never been a huge fan of. I can see the use of them as a good layer boundary, but too often I see them being used all over the place instead of at an infrastructure level in a code base. A particularly prevalent version of this misuse I see is self populating collections. These generally inherit List<TEntity> or Dictionary<TID, TEntity>, and provide a set of methods such as ....

March 28, 2015 · 3 min