Outside In Design

Following on from my previous post about not having too much configuration, I want to talk about how I design software. I try and follow what I call “outside in design”; I try and make something that requires the bare minimum amount of configuration to cover the most common of use-cases. Once this functionality is working, further configuration can be added to cover the next most common use cases. API Reduction As A Feature The first example I want to go through is how I removed options from an HTTP rate limiter we use....

December 12, 2024 · 8 min

Architecture Testing

One of the many reasons given for using microservices rather than a mono repository is that it enforces boundaries between services/modules. However, there are ways to achieve strong boundaries between modules/services in one repository, using tools which are already available: test runners. Given a repository with the following structure: . ├── libraries │ ├── core │ ├── events │ └── ui ├── services │ ├── catalogue │ ├── billing │ └── shipping └── tools └── admin-cli There are a few rules we should enforce:...

July 23, 2023 · 6 min

Expand Contract for Databases and Services

I haven’t seen Expand-Contract written about in some years, and I think it is a great way of performing database schema migrations without the need for application downtime. I also realised that it also applies to microservices and service-to-service communication in general. The Easy Example One of the two examples given is wanting to change how an address is stored in a database. The schema starts off looking like this:...

May 18, 2023 · 4 min

How do you tag docker images?

An interesting question came up at work today: how do you tag your Docker images? In previous projects, I’ve always used a short git sha, or sometimes a semver, but with no great consistency. As luck would have it, I had pushed for a change in tagging format at a client not so long ago as the method we were using didn’t make a lot of sense and, worst of all, it was a manual process....

November 10, 2021 · 6 min

Architecture Decision Records

This is a text version of a short talk (affectionately known as a “Coffee Bag”) I gave at work this week, on Architecture Design Records. You can see the slides here, but there isn’t a recording available, unfortunately. It should be noted; these are not to replace full architecture diagrams; you should definitely still write C4 Models to cover the overall architecture. ADRs are for the details, such as serializer formats, convention-over-configuration details, number precisions for timings, or which metrics library is used and why....

June 29, 2019 · 8 min

Microservices or Components

One of the reasons people list for using MicroServices is that it helps enforce separation of concerns. This is usually achieved by adding a network boundary between the services. While this is useful, it’s not without costs; namely that you’ve added a set of new failure modes: the network. We can achieve the same separation of concerns within the same codebase if we put our minds to it. In fact, this is what Simon Brown calls a Modular Monolith, and DHH calls the Majestic Monolith....

October 28, 2018 · 6 min

Feature Toggles with Consul

Feature Toggles are a great way of helping to deliver working software, although there are a few things which could go wrong. See my talk Feature Toggles: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly for some interesting stories and insights on it! I was talking with a colleague the other day about how you could go about implementing Feature Toggles in a centralised manner into an existing system, preferably with a little overhead as possible....

September 6, 2018 · 4 min

Evolutionary Development

Having recently finished reading the Building Evolutionary Architectures: Support Constant Change book, I got to thinking about a system which was fairly representative of an architecture which was fine for it’s initial version, but it’s usage had outgrown the architecture. Example System: Document Storage The system in question was a file store for a multi user, internal, desktop based CRM system. The number of users was very small, and the first implementation was just a network file share....

November 17, 2017 · 4 min

Strong Configuration Composition

It’s no secret I am a fan of strong typing - not only do I talk and blog about it a lot, but I also have a library called Stronk which provides strong typed configuration for non dotnet core projects. The problem I come across often is large configurations. For example, given the following project structure (3 applications, all reference the Domain project): DemoService `-- src |-- Domain | |-- Domain....

November 9, 2017 · 5 min

Repositories Revisited (and why CQRS is better)

TLDR: I still don’t like Repositories! Recently I had a discussion with a commenter on my The problems with, and solutions to Repositories post, and felt it was worth expanding on how I don’t use repositories. My applications tend to use the mediator pattern to keep things decoupled (using the Mediatr library), and this means that I end up with “handler” classes which process messages; they load something from storage, call domain methods, and then write it back to storage, possibly returning some or all the data....

September 9, 2017 · 2 min